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166 VOTE

Show dependencies in the Custom Roadmap

We have an internal technology group that releases core functionality that other products are dependent on. I need to be able to show that to the execs so they can visually understand one of the internal constraints of delivering the product. This...
Aldon C almost 10 years ago in Reports 8 Shipped
131 VOTE

Visualize Master Features on Releases Overview

We would like to be able to visualize Master Features simultaneously with Features on the Releases overview. If a Release can own a Master Feature, which is comprised of Features, it would be nice to use the Master Feature grouping on the releases...
Guest almost 8 years ago in Features 14 Shipped
156 VOTE

Filter for Blank values

I'd like to find features that are missing a value for certain fields, but I don't see a way to only show Blank values for things like Initiative or Custom fields
Jonathon Leeke over 9 years ago in Features 19 Shipped
146 VOTE

Recurring To-do

Some of our to-dos need to be completed weekly - could we have an option to set a reoccurrence for a to do?
Guest almost 9 years ago in To-dos 11 Shipped

Expand key result progress options to initiatives, releases, and epics

Who would benefit? Now that teams can easily tie their features, epics, releases, and initiatives up to key results, being able to track progress towards the key results automatically based on child records. Teams want a more granular way to track...
Nathaniel Collum 5 months ago in Strategy 1 Shipped

Automation: Make it easier to copy the same rules into many workspaces

Automation is nice, but it quickly is becoming tedious copying and moving generic rules across even the limited number (12) of workspaces I manage. Creating one rule and copying to each workspace takes maybe 10-15 minutes or so? That is just slow ...
Todd Meyer almost 5 years ago in Account settings 15 Shipped

Time-based triggers for automations

Automations offer great potential to alert owners/interested parties of action, but are frustratingly limited by the absence of a time based trigger. In our case we want to conform to an SLA in processing ideas we receive and actively sending a re...
Nigel Lawrence about 3 years ago in Ideas 5 Shipped

Synchronize Ranking from new Prioritization view to other Aha! areas

I’m just playing around with the new prioritization list for Features and Epics ( ) and I wondered: if the rank changes in that list due to ...
Stephanie Redl over 2 years ago in Features 14 Shipped

Page anchors to link to specific blocks/paragraphs in the text

What is the challenge? Cannot currently create anchors on a page that would allow us to link directly to a paragraph or section What is the impact? On longer pages, users will have to scroll/scan to find what they need after following a link inste...
Jeremy Bruno 9 months ago in Notes 0 Shipped

Ability to template to-dos

To-dos assign work to other people (or with work requests, other workspaces), ranging from minor tasks to workflow approvals. To drive consistent workflows, it would be great to be able to create templates for to-dos, much like we can for initiati...
Erik Johnson over 3 years ago in To-dos 5 Shipped