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Created by Stephanie Redl
Created on Sep 19, 2022

Synchronize Ranking from new Prioritization view to other Aha! areas

I’m just playing around with the new prioritization list for Features and Epics ( and I wondered: if the rank changes in that list due to sorting or drag’n’drop – does it have any influence on the ranking in the Workflow or Board views? It does not. This means, we go to the prio list to rank and then rank again in the Board view per release (because that’s the view we’d use to present the release plan to stakeholders or because the ranking there allows us to sort list reports by rank which we can use in Dashboards), and then rank again in Azure DevOps after synchronizing the records for the dev team, this is not an optimal workflow and creates lots of room for mistakes.

It is not clear to me what the value of this new prioritization feature for Epics and Feature records is if it does not influence any other place in Aha! and the rank value cannot be used for sorting in other views or exporting to external systems. It was super exciting when I read the announcement, but now it's just frustrating.

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    • Emily Frederickson
      Jun 28, 2023

      I appreciate the new option to "Apply Rank" to a custom field!
      I would still love the option to Apply Rank and have it affect my Features board.

      2 replies
    • Steven Schafer
      Mar 13, 2023

      I can do that, yet it���s a manual step. The issue specifically is we can���t pull it into the Cards we use on the Workflow board or release boards.

      Not sure how to describe this?


    • Steven Schafer
      Mar 8, 2023

      Great this is shipped, I don���t understand what that means as I���ve not been involved in but only a few ideas. What does shipped mean and how will we use it, what���s enabled?


      1 reply
    • Chris Taylor
      Feb 10, 2023

      Yep super want this to work (and agree it should be optional). I assumed it would propagate anyway. Thought I was doing something wrong till I contacted support...

    • Doug D
      Jan 10, 2023

      If this is implemented, it needs to be a product line or workspace level feature that can be turned on or off. Our business is complex enough that I cannot have priority ranking changes automatically affecting other areas. Jira does not allow this functionality in Jira Advanced Roadmaps and it is a big issue that led us to using Aha for PM.

    • Kyle Shannon
      Dec 14, 2022

      Our company really needs this functionality to be expanded to other places, it's a huge constraint and it's leading us to consider alternative options (like Jira's roadmaps) to do this 1:many prioritization

    • Steve Dagless
      Oct 21, 2022

      The prioritisation board is a great add to Aha! It replaces pivot reports already in use with the additional benefits of drag and drop, sort by, easy access to Aha! score and cross-product/initiative prioritisation to set the rank.

      Now, we'd really like to see a blog post from Aha! which explains, having used the prioritisation board... What do we do next? How do we translate the work done on the prioritisation board into meaningful, easy, automated priorities for the features/epics in our workspaces so the teams know what they need to go and get on with?

    • Guest
      Oct 3, 2022

      The ranking I set in Features > Prioritization should be visible elsewhere in the application, at a minimum:

      • In any list report (now in Roadmaps)

      • In an epic, when viewing the 'Related' tab

      • In a Release

      I suspect that this prioritization is complicated by the fact that there is prioritization in Releases, which for my company, is pointless. We do not use Releases in Aha. However, for those that do, maybe there should be a setting that determines whether prioritization comes from or translates to the Releases.

    • Doug D
      Sep 20, 2022

      If the ranking ability is made to transfer to other areas, this should be a feature that can be configured and not automatic. I wouldn't want this ability to transfer to other areas active in our situation.

    • Stephanie Redl
      Sep 19, 2022

      Maybe then it's a button that synchronizes the ranking as a batch from the view you are in, or a default view that is synced with the rank on other views - but not synchronizing at all cannot be the final version of this feature. I don't understand how I would have multiple prioritized lists that are not the same prioritization, though - there can only be one backlog and it is prioritized globally. You can filter that backlog by customer or initiative or status or release or... but the relative ranking of the remaining records needs to stay. Otherwise, you are communicating confusing priorities to different stakeholders.

    • Heather Satrang
      Sep 19, 2022

      I agree that it's frustrating and the new ranking doesn't make much sense because it doesn't link though with the current functionality, I wouldn't want it to sync with any other ranking. There can be multiple prioritization views created for one workspace and if you open one view up to editing by more than yourself conflicts could be unintentionally created. I was working with another resource on the same view and when I made a change she couldn't see it though she had the option to "Save Changes" on her screen, which, if she saved, would override everything I just did.

    • +1
    2 MERGED

    Feature Rank on Prioritization Page

    Rank seems to only be relevant and useful on the prioritization view - rank on the prioritization view should be written to the feature itself so it can be mapped to Jira and can be used in wider context rather than just the report. Being able to ...
    Kyle Shannon over 2 years ago in Features 0 Shipped