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Automation: Make it easier to copy the same rules into many workspaces

Automation is nice, but it quickly is becoming tedious copying and moving generic rules across even the limited number (12) of workspaces I manage. Creating one rule and copying to each workspace takes maybe 10-15 minutes or so? That is just slow and frustrating when it could be so much faster.

A few good options come to mind to make this better:

Option 1: Rule templates

  • Just like release templates, allow rule templates to be created (maybe at the account level?) that could then be selected when adding a rule on any other workspace.

    • Maybe there could be a workspace selector to let you choose which workspaces should use this automation rule

  • I like this option best because:

    • Centrally created rules can be created for anyone in the account to use

    • Rules can be updated in a single place and that change can apply to all workspaces using the rule

    • Rules can be easily applied to many workspaces in the account quickly.

Option 2: Copy rule to many accounts at once

  • When copying a rule, give an option to copy to... that gives the user a workspace selector where they can pick all the workspaces they want the rule copied to. Also in this scenario don't add 'Copy of' at the beginning of the rule name

  • I like this less because it creates a bunch of unlinked rules in various workspaces that then all are managed separately.

Release time frame 1 month
    May 18, 2022

    Create custom workspace templates

    Standardize the way you set up new workspaces so teams follow the same approach. Create a template with predefined workflow statuses, custom fields, automations, and more. This update is available for customers on our Enterprise+ plan.

    Checkout the blog post for more details.

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    • Leanne Miller
      May 8, 2024

      The workspace template is not a solution for our organization. I have 50 workspaces and we only require a standard config for status workflows and page layouts for Releases, Epics and Features. If I implement a workspace template for all of those workspaces to set an org wide automation rule it will wipe out everything the PMs have setup on their workspaces.

    • Betty McAffee
      Apr 14, 2022

      An important option to include in the Automation Rule update is the flexibility of resequencing To Do tasks. Many times, a To Do needs to be added and inserted as To Do 13 out of 59 To Dos for my purposes, but resequencing is not allowed, so I must re-do all To Do tasks after To Do 13. It is needed to have the order easily switched around.

    • Blake Falanga
      Apr 11, 2022

      Agree with all the comments here. Needing to create 20 automation rules across 22 workspaces.

    • Nigel Lawrence
      Mar 29, 2022
    • Betty McAffee
      Mar 22, 2022

      This would eliminate many tedious, manual steps. I create multiple sets of Automation Rules with up to 60+ Rules/To Do's in one Feature record. Then, the set of Automation Rules need to repeat into many workspaces. The ability to copy into many workspaces AND to have an option to copy multiple sets of Automation Rules into many workspaces would be ideal and please implement soon! This would be more efficient and is much needed! Please see attachment for my example.

    • Danielle Martinez
      Feb 2, 2022

      This is absolutely needed! At least should be able to copy/move to many workspaces at once.

    • Josh Wayne
      Jan 11, 2022

      I agree with this, but also the comment below from Stephanie. I don't really want to copy the rule as much as manage it once across many/all workspaces

    • Danielle A
      Nov 19, 2021

      Any update on implementation timeline of this idea? Since my group is in sort of a 'pilot' phase, we're testing automations across a few workspaces and modifying as needed. Am finding this to be very time consuming because we are regularly needing to add new automations and disable automations as we modify our flows based on pilot learnings

    • Natarajan Srikrishnan
      Oct 14, 2021

      we would love this as well. We manage about 80+ workspaces and it is a nightmare to copy 7-10 automation rules from each workspace to the other, and then edit "Copy of".

    • Danielle A
      Aug 4, 2021

      Great suggestion -- would love to see this rolled out as well

    • Stephanie Redl
      Jun 29, 2021

      We got about 150 workspaces and still growing - automation rules are awesome, but not if every single product needs to implement it for itself. Central administration and governance is really important here in order to get the most out of the feature (applying best practices across the portfolio).

    • Elaine Edwards
      Nov 30, 2020

      Any update on this? I have to recreate the 16 automation rules in 6 new workspaces and that is a painful process to have to copy and then move each rule. Thanks!

    • Michael Perry
      Nov 5, 2020

      Agreed on this need. I have a large organization (That's what an enterprise typically is, right? :))and manage approx 50 workspaces. There are many automation rules that I want synched across those workspaces, but I don't have the time to copy, move, rename each one 50 times. Pease help

    • Dave Tucker
      Jul 21, 2020

      This a symptom of the need for many more bulk changes that administrators require to optimise efficiency in administering Aha. Although I can set many layouts and options at the parent-line level, there are still many that require individual configuration when they should be able to be set once at the parent-line level e.g. workflows.

    • Elaine Edwards
      May 15, 2020

      Our organization set up automation rules for each status of an Initiative and Master Feature so the idea states would stay in sync with any items (Initiatives or Master Features) created from it. As it appears that every state change has to be a separate rule, we have 15 rules set up. It also looks like the set up is per workspace and it has to be manually copied and then moved per rule to another workspace. I did this yesterday for another workspace/product and it is a lot of clicking. Note that all workspaces use the same statuses for Initiatives and Master Features. Therefore, either option above would work in order to allow us to easily set up the automation rules once and then apply them to all workspaces. Currently, we are managing around 30 workspaces, but this will be growing.

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