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131 VOTE
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Created by Guest
Created on Apr 10, 2017

Visualize Master Features on Releases Overview

We would like to be able to visualize Master Features simultaneously with Features on the Releases overview.  If a Release can own a Master Feature, which is comprised of Features, it would be nice to use the Master Feature grouping on the releases overview as well.

Release time frame 3 months
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  • Lisa Stidham
    Apr 24, 2019

    We too would benefit from being able to view Master Features in a Release view.   The feature level is too low and without the Master Feature for context, the Release view doesn't help us much.  

    Hoping this one might float up in priority.   

  • Guest
    Dec 21, 2018

    We are using Master Features to represent Epic releases, and these are scheduled for release at the end of our monthly release cycles. Generally, any big new initiatives are released as the epic (the master feature). Only small fixes captured as a feature will be included in a Release, so our use case really requires the Master Features to be added to Releases in addition to Features.

  • Jacek Michalski
    Nov 21, 2018

    I'd be interested in such a functionality, too.
    Actually I would find very helpful to be able to organize the Releases overview from point of view of the features/master features instead of phases. In our case - the process of creation each of the feature is nearly the same, and we would need to define/monitor the deadlines (milestones) and dependencies between the features/master features and not the phases. Any idea on how to do it with Aha! ?

  • Guest
    Oct 18, 2018

    Progress on this?

  • Guest
    Jun 29, 2018

    Having this functionality would be a total game changer!! 

  • Guest
    Feb 21, 2018

    We really need this as well when reporting to higher-level stakeholders who don't need to see specific features.

  • Marina Reyna
    Feb 7, 2018

    This would help us, too

  • Christian Rodriguez
    Feb 2, 2018

    It's pretty crazy that this very specific feature request has garnered this man votes in such a short period of time considering how recently Master Releases were released. Seems like it's a need throughout the community that you guys should really consider!

  • Guest
    Jan 26, 2018

    Agree with this need in order to make Master Features more useful.  We use the Master Feature like an Epic and Features as Stories.  With that model the Release Overview means the team can only see stories with no reference to which Epic they relate to.  It makes it very challenging to visualize progress on the Epic.  Having the hierarchy in the Gantt chart is critical for making Master Features meaningful.

  • Guest
    Dec 15, 2017

    Right now, Aha does not provide the ability to visualize Master Features/Epics/Projects and this functionality will allow for that capability. Currently, our team is working around this gap through frustrating process inside Aha. We absolutely need the ability to visual Master Features/Epics/Projects... I recommend adding Master Features to the existing Releases visualization screen.

  • Admin
    Austin Merritt
    Dec 11, 2017

    Thanks to everyone for the interest on this idea. Due to other priorities, this is not currently planned on our roadmap. We will continue to consider it for the future and will monitor customer feedback here. We hope you understand.

  • Grant Smith
    Dec 5, 2017

    How about now? Any updates?

  • Guest
    Nov 1, 2017

    Any updates?

  • Guest
    Oct 10, 2017

    Any updates?

  • +31

Show Master Features in Release Roadmap

Show Master Features alongside Features and allow them to be linked to a Release Phase.
Guest over 7 years ago in Application 18 Shipped