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My votes: Capacity planning

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better validation warnings and units tips and handling on estimates fields

the toolips on estimates fields need consistent messaging in all field contexts, with proper messaging/tip content based on the units of the configuration. this needs to be the UX when creating (actual configured units not a hard-coded either/or t...
Kevin Martin almost 2 years ago in Capacity planning 0 Future consideration

Support Cost as an Estimate for Capacity Planning

Our business strategy team receives cost estimates instead of story points and time. Since story points and hourly pay rate can vary across different teams working on the same features, being able to see how cost estimates roll up from features to...
Lan Nguyen almost 2 years ago in Capacity planning 2 Already exists

Need to be able to grant Capacity Planning Teams Configuration to a specific products

We are currently unable to grant Capacity Planning Teams Configuration to a specific product line without have the permission being inherited to all the children product lines/products
Mike Jacobson almost 4 years ago in Application / Capacity planning 0 Future consideration

Capacity planning - initial and detailed estimates behaviour in capacity report

If a record is assigned and you enter a detailed estimate it automatically assigns the entire estimate to that user, even if the detailed estimate is actually being driven by estimates entered on child records that are assigned to different people...
Chris Quigley about 2 years ago in Capacity planning 0 Future consideration

Blank Out Initial Estimate in Feature

It is very easy to get into the Initial Estimate screen, and once that happens, the field is set to a value other than blank. However, there is no way to remove that configuration once I get into that screen initially. I would like the ability to ...
Guest about 2 years ago in Capacity planning 0 Already exists

Ability to segment advanced estimates by spend type

Management needs to view a summary of the split between CapEx and OpEx costs. A given feature can include a mix of both types of expenses and there needs to be a way to capture the split of CapEx and OpEx within the estimate. There also needs to b...
Mark Eaves over 4 years ago in Application / Capacity planning 0 Future consideration

Allow bulk editing of people in capacity planning

We have quite a few schedules and currently its a very painful process to update the schedules for each team member one by one.
Jason Hollis about 2 years ago in Capacity planning 0 Future consideration

Customize capacity to round to more granular levels

Hours is a fairly ridiculous estimation metric for a large project being planned for several months hence and requires a lot of cognition to reason about. Yes, we can do math and convert, but the UI shows hours in many places and when it shows day...
Guest over 4 years ago in Capacity planning / Epic 1 Future consideration

Include Capacity Planning data when moving/copying Initiatives to another workspace which has the same teams

We have a use case to move a number of initiatives from a product line to a new workspace in order to simplify our hierarchy. The Teams used in the capacity plans are defined at a higher level in the hierarchy so Team integrity will be retained. A...
Chris Brooks over 4 years ago in Application / Capacity planning 0 Future consideration

Aha Estimate vs Allocation - Resource/Dev Planning

We need to know that when we put in annual planning estimates for requested initiatives/features and we only get partially funded that we can refer to the same place to see the difference. Original estimated time vs allocated funded time.
Guest over 2 years ago in Capacity planning 0 Future consideration