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Github issues to get Aha feature ID in their name

We typically reference feature requests by the Aha feature ID, e.g. WEB-32 or WEB-44. When we push those feature requests down to Github for development, we generally create a branch for each issue, but since we lose this information it's difficul...
David Bean over 8 years ago in GitHub 2 Unlikely to implement

Provide the ability to ingest issues created directly in a linked Github repository

I am currently utilizing Aha! and have it linked to several of our team's Github repos. The functionality to create issues in Aha and send to to Github works great. However we often have cases where issues get created in repos directly. When those...
Guest over 8 years ago in GitHub 0 Unlikely to implement

Support 2 factor auth integration with Github

If you add Github Issues integration with a Github account that requires 2-factor authentication, the integration fails. It would be good to support this.
Guest about 9 years ago in GitHub 1 Already exists

Git commit messages separated from comments

Github integration messages in comments is great for smaller stories, but for anything non-trivial it becomes very easy to lose meaningful comments in the middle of a commit barrage. It would be very useful to have these either separated, or group...
Guest about 9 years ago in GitHub 1 Will not implement