Enable one-to-many custom field table to be added to ideas portal 'Idea view' layout
We want to use a custom table to track decisions relating to ideas in a structured way, and communicate them back to the idea submitter, without using unstructured comments. One-to-many custom tables are not available to add to the 'Idea view' lay...
Navin Rahman
3 months ago
in Ideas portal
Future consideration
We'd like to be able to switch off idea submission within an ideas portal on a per product workspace basis.This would be used when a workspace wants to stop accepting new ideas for reasons, such as: The product has reached the end of marketing/sup...
Nigel Lawrence
over 2 years ago
in Ideas portal
Future consideration
Show ideas created by me as an Aha User or when logged into the portal
What is the challenge? When I go the ideas portal and select 'My Ideas', I can only see ideas I created as a portal user. I cannot see ideas I created within the Aha interface as an Aha user. What is the impact? I'm not able to see all the ideas I...
Eliza Crawford
3 months ago
in Ideas portal
Already exists
What is the challenge? There is currently no way to easily see when a particular portal user was added to the system. What is the impact? This can make it difficult to audit portal user lists or determine when a particular individual was added. De...
Maria Plotkina
11 months ago
in User management
Future consideration
It would be very helpful that in addition to having an Admin Msg that we could also have a private Admin Msg on the ideas portals tab. This would allow us to broadcast updates on an idea to internal users that are not Aha users. For example - "Thi...
Steve Rudkin
about 2 years ago
in Ideas portal
Future consideration
Remove account/company name from portal email sender address
What is the challenge? If a company configures their email account (Ex.Gmail) using the same company name that they use for their Aha! account subdomain, emails sent via an ideas portal may display a phishing warning. This may occur because the fr...
Chris Quigley
7 months ago
in Ideas portal
Future consideration
We would like to be able to broadcast information to our Ideas community and provide one more means of communication to let them know about new features, new releases and or just to communicate about general upside of using Ideas for our product.
over 8 years ago
in Ideas portal
Already exists
Give external users the ability to subscribe to other object updates
What is the challenge? In the new year, we plan to make our roadmap publicly accessible by embedding the report directly into our ideas portal. This will allow users to view and explore upcoming features, with the ability to click into each for mo...
Eliza Crawford
4 months ago
in Ideas portal
Future consideration
Ask: If SPAM is detected on an IDEA Portal, we would like the ability to;
Create a Universal SPAM Folder that would show SPAM across all product idea portals, if detected, and or Run a report to see if SPAM has been identified.
Send Spam notifi...
Mike Jacobson
about 5 years ago
in Ideas portal
Future consideration