Global feature to filter out internal votes displayed everywhere in Aha!, especially in the Ideas Portal
Our organization promises to review and take some action on any idea that receives over 25 votes. We don't count internal votes toward that total, but internal votes will push it over that threshold. The main problem is that the customers only see...
over 1 year ago
in Voting
Future consideration
Show linked release information in ideas portal ahead of release
What is the challenge? Our stakeholders want to understand when their ideas may be released, and what release they are associated to. This would help with visibility and planning. What is the impact? without this, stakeholders may see a status of ...
Veronica Melin
8 months ago
in Ideas portal
Future consideration
Show ideas created by me as an Aha User or when logged into the portal
What is the challenge? When I go the ideas portal and select 'My Ideas', I can only see ideas I created as a portal user. I cannot see ideas I created within the Aha interface as an Aha user. What is the impact? I'm not able to see all the ideas I...
Eliza Crawford
about 1 month ago
in Ideas portal
Already exists
We would like to allow our users to configure a digest for their notification subscriptions in the ideas portal. Ideally, they would be able to customize how often they receive notifications (immediately, daily, weekly) for each subscription they ...
Jeff Champagne
about 5 years ago
in Ideas portal
Planning to implement
Give external users the ability to subscribe to other object updates
What is the challenge? In the new year, we plan to make our roadmap publicly accessible by embedding the report directly into our ideas portal. This will allow users to view and explore upcoming features, with the ability to click into each for mo...
Eliza Crawford
about 1 month ago
in Ideas portal
Future consideration
Our team has multiple statuses for ideas. We would like the ability to send a customized email message based on that specific status. Currently Aha only has a "general" status notification email. We would like to extend this as our portal is setup...
over 5 years ago
in Branding
Future consideration
Do not count description template as text when that field is required on idea submission
Who would benefit? Those utilizing the "template" option in description fields on ideas (and likely features) who have surfaced that field in portals and made it required. What impact would it make? Currently, if you have a template added for your...
Maria Plotkina
11 months ago
in Ideas portal
Future consideration
What is the challenge? Users changing categories What is the impact? Incorrect categories have to continuously be corrected. Describe your idea An option to lock a Category to admin users only.
5 months ago
in Ideas portal
Future consideration
As I lead design + product at my company, I'd love to be able to have full control over the contents of the email templates that are sent via Aha. Currently the content is injected into what seems to be a pre-existing template and the large logo i...
over 5 years ago
in Branding
Future consideration