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Customize email templates by idea status

Our team has multiple statuses for ideas. We would like the ability to send a customized email message based on that specific status. Currently Aha only has a "general" status notification email. We would like to extend this as our portal is setup to have multiple types of accepted or rejected status updates. For example:

Rejected - already built.

Rejected - already in roadmap

We'd like a separate email message sent depending on which status was selected.

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    • Guest
      Oct 22, 2024

      This would be useful for our team as well. It's all about the user experience. The bulk of a user's experience with the idea portal as I see it is, frankly, getting updates on something they've submitted. (Tell me I'm wrong?) Right now I have a choice between sending a stale and impersonal "your idea status has changed" or sending an email with way more information than the user actually needs at that point in time. It's a clumsy experience. It doesn't create the feelings of trust, confidence, and personalization I want users to associate with our brand.

    • Madi R
      Oct 17, 2022

      Our team is also interested in this for specific status updates to be sent out.

    • Rob Straight
      Jan 20, 2022

      It would be nice to tailor the Idea status change email response to indicate what Release the Feature was added to. Customer running older Releases would be notified and now immediately that the Feature is or is not provided in the Release that they are using.

      This is a very specific use case: If the status changes to shipped, insert the Release name into the email.

    • Yancey Larochelle-Williams
      Jun 4, 2021

      This is our exact use case as well. We'd love to send a message that includes how to sign up for our Beta program when something moves to be available for Beta. Currently we have to embed all of this information in a generic email that may never be pertinent.

    • Guest
      May 1, 2020

      This would be very beneficial to communicate back to our requestors with more details relative to the idea status:

      • Prioritized - item is prioritized and will be communicated through the roadmap

      • "Released" - Thank you for the idea, it is now released to production. Add link to release note library

    • Carah Counts
      Dec 9, 2019

      Yes, this would be AWESOME! For us, here are a couple of examples of how we could use this:

      • "Added to roadmap" - Add link to public facing roadmap
      • "Released" - Add link to release notes
      1 reply
    • Rob Gimes
      Oct 23, 2019

      Bulk administering ideas can be a challenge, templates will minimise this and keep contributors up-to-date with the stasis of their ideas.

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