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Ideas portal

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Advanced Custom Homepage

What is the challenge? The current product does not accommodate custom homepages. What is the impact? Many hours spent using JS to force the presence of a custom homepage. Describe your idea Via the settings (branding > custom), introduce a HTM...
Matt Loveridge 25 days ago in Branding 0 Future consideration

Merge Ideas Portal Users

Who would benefit? Portal Administrators and Community What impact would it make? This would allow portal admins to ensure users are only able to vote once per idea rather than multiple times by registering more than one email address and/or corre...
David W about 1 year ago in User management 2 Future consideration

Easier way to Reset Votes on Ideas

What is the challenge? To reset votes you have to create a report and this is a multi-step process that should just be from the main view. It would also be good if you could have an automation capability to automatically reset votes on a schedule....
Guest 28 days ago in Voting 0 Future consideration

Add ability for users to report on their ideas from the ideas portal

What is the challenge? When users are logged into the ideas portal, they want to view a report of all their ideas, the status of their ideas, which features they're promoted to, and the timeline for delivery. Currently, we can build this report, b...
Eliza Crawford 5 months ago in Ideas portal 0 Future consideration

Private Portal self-registration for users that are not employees

THis statement from your documentation is the issue: "Private ideas portal users Users can only register for a private portal if they use an email address that belongs to one of the domains included in the Employee portal setting." THere should be...
Christopher L over 4 years ago in User management 3 Future consideration

Remove +1 vote added on idea submission for submit-only portals

What is the challenge? Our team has a process where we gather customer votes through a submit-only portal throughout the year, then at the end of the year we open up these questions for voting w/ a vote limit to our customers' designated voters. C...
Max Robbins 6 months ago in Ideas portal 2 Future consideration

Disable votes on portal

Hi guys,I would like to disable votes on an ideas portal. Why? So as to freeze the score. People were given 3 weeks to vote, and I now need to move on to finishing to rate each suggestion. I can still export the votes and import them in a custom f...
Benoit WAMBERGUE over 5 years ago in Voting 3 Unlikely to implement

AI detected categories in ideas submission

What is the challenge? We have a large number of workspaces and categories in our product taxonomy and would like to use AI to analyze ideas when submitted to suggest the right combination of where these ideas should live when customers submit ide...
Jerimiah Rudden 5 months ago in Ideas portal 0 Future consideration

Allow for an up or down vote

We want to know who is for and who is against an idea (like a youtube video where you can vote up or down)
Guest almost 10 years ago in Ideas / Voting 15 Unlikely to implement

The "Show In Portal" Column On The "Statuses And Workflows" Screen Should Allow A User To Set ANY Status Value To "Hidden By Default" Just Like You Do For "Shipped"

What is the challenge? Ideas that are in certain statuses, such as "Will Not Do", unnecessarily clutter the portal, are not useful to most portal users most of the time and make it difficult for users to find the ideas they are looking for. What i...
Eric Masur 3 months ago in Ideas portal 0 Future consideration