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Status Future consideration
Categories Ideas portal
Created by Eric Masur
Created on Jan 11, 2025

The "Show In Portal" Column On The "Statuses And Workflows" Screen Should Allow A User To Set ANY Status Value To "Hidden By Default" Just Like You Do For "Shipped"

What is the challenge?

Ideas that are in certain statuses, such as "Will Not Do", unnecessarily clutter the portal, are not useful to most portal users most of the time and make it difficult for users to find the ideas they are looking for.

What is the impact?

If the "Show In Portal" column is unchecked, the portal user can NEVER see these and we get lots of duplicate Ideas that we then have to review again and reject again.

If the "Show In Portal" column is checked, the portal user who is trying to see what features got scheduled and which features they want to support, has to weed through potentially hundreds of ideas that have been previously rejected.

Describe your idea

The "Show In Portal" Column On The "Statuses And Workflows" Screen Should Allow A User To Set ANY Status Value To "Hidden By Default" Just Like You Do For "Shipped". Then the portal users will not see Ideas with that status unless they specifically ask for them to show.

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