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Ideas portal

Showing 101

Idea portal key word search is not letter sensitive

What is the challenge? When searching for an idea portal, if you just type in "f" for example, it just refreshes to the base first page. The system doesn't know to query the idea portals that start with f. This is basic functionality and should be...
Russell Glenn 2 days ago in Ideas portal 0 Unlikely to implement

Increase custom field name character limit from 200 to 400

What is the challenge? Intake forms sometimes require lengthy questions based on the context What is the impact? Cannot replace existing stakeholder intake forms used in the business with Aha! ideas portals Describe your idea Increase the custom f...
Terence Osmeña 11 days ago in Application / Ideas portal 1 Unlikely to implement

Disable votes on portal

Hi guys,I would like to disable votes on an ideas portal. Why? So as to freeze the score. People were given 3 weeks to vote, and I now need to move on to finishing to rate each suggestion. I can still export the votes and import them in a custom f...
Benoit WAMBERGUE over 5 years ago in Voting 3 Unlikely to implement

Allow for an up or down vote

We want to know who is for and who is against an idea (like a youtube video where you can vote up or down)
Guest almost 10 years ago in Ideas / Voting 15 Unlikely to implement

Allow customizing the Ideas Portal Emails From Address

Emails sent from the ideas portal have a From address of The from address should be customizable to be branded just like the reply-to address. If my company domain name is, I want to have the from email address be somet...
Guest almost 9 years ago in Branding 13 Unlikely to implement

Allow ideas portal users to set time zone

Currently ideas portal times are in GMT - would be nice to have these be localized so emails that come through from ideas & updates to ideas display event times in the local times for the user.
Danny Archer almost 10 years ago in Ideas portal 10 Unlikely to implement

On a public ideas portal: require a user account before posting, voting and commenting.

Our public ideas portal is today open for all people to post. I’ve been recommended by our internal security expert to require people to create an account before allowing them to post, vote and comment. When I set the ideas portal to be privat...
Guest over 6 years ago in User management 2 Unlikely to implement

Filter ideas by visibility or creator type on ideas portal

Aha users can see all the ideas created by either employee/partners or other users (generally clients). They have an option to filter all the ideas based on if it is created by employee/partner or not employee/partner. It would be very useful for ...
Guest over 7 years ago in Ideas portal 6 Unlikely to implement

Automatic Password Expiration

What is the challenge? SSO to Idea Portal via SAML meeting our internal security standards. What is the impact? We are a core service provider and we allow both our employees and clients to access a private idea portal. We'd like to grant our empl...
Jordan C M 7 months ago in Ideas portal 0 Unlikely to implement

Enable Aha! record relationships custom fields in the Idea form or idea portal display.

We need a single portal product for people to submit their requests related for multiple products. We need to include a drop-down list of available products for people to choose.
Guest about 8 years ago in Ideas portal 6 Unlikely to implement