Currently ideas portal times are in GMT - would be nice to have these be localized so emails that come through from ideas & updates to ideas display event times in the local times for the user.
Thank you for the idea. The new design of the ideas portal, released in 2020, no longer shows specific times, only dates. There have not been many requests for this idea since then, so we do not have plans to implement the idea at this time.
I agree with everyone's comments. It seems like the original suggestion was posted back on Mar 31, 2017. Do we know if this will ever be considered? This is especially important for Distributed teams who work remotely from all around the world.
I agree with Kay Hungate's comment that the time zone should come from the user's system.
Echoing others: At the very least tell me it's in GMT.
It makes no sense to have the portal times in GMT. These should be time stamped in the timezone of the user. Otherwise - it is very confusing to the users.
I'll reiterate what others have said: Time zone should be configurable, but at the very least include the time zone abbreviation (GMT).
As another user commented, the GMT time zone should be listed at the very least. Our users will be confused and think the time is wrong. Of course being able to customize the time zone would be preferred, and is an option I've come to expect from web apps.
I'd consider this a bug. From a user perspective, it just appears that the time is wrong. At least add GMT to the label so it is clear what timezone is being shown!
I agree with C Cheng that adding "GMT" to the timestamp would at least clarify in the meantime.
I personally am not concerned about exact times on Comments, but we have gotten questions from customers who are confused by the non-localized timestamp
In addition, it is unclear that the times are currently in GMT given the availability of the user timezone setting. Before the localization is implemented, it would be nice to explicitly state that the time is in GMT.
We have geo-distributed portal users who would benefit greatly from this