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On a public ideas portal: require a user account before posting, voting and commenting.

Our public ideas portal is today open for all people to post. I’ve been recommended by our internal security expert to require people to create an account before allowing them to post, vote and comment. When I set the ideas portal to be privat...
Guest over 6 years ago in User management 2 Unlikely to implement

Import Approvals via CSV

Who would benefit? admins who need to create structured approvals, anyone who needs to create many approvals What impact would it make? save time and align functionality of the tool How should it work? in the same way that to-do's can be uploaded,...
Guest 11 months ago in To-dos 0 Future consideration

Collaboration Template

What is the challenge? A clear collaborative template to use with a customer to manage a project together. What is the impact? Important for the customer and internal colleagues Describe your idea Working with a collaborator and having a structure...
Guest 3 months ago in Knowledge base 0 Future consideration

Allow to hide workspace name from the Strategy Roadmap

What is the challenge? workspace names + initiative name take 1/3 of the screen What is the impact? poor visibility, the screen is too busy Describe your idea under "customize view" allow to deselect "workspace" so it it not visible on the roadmap...
Andrey Alferov 3 months ago in Roadmaps 0 Future consideration

Allow Portfolio Initiatives that use 'Work Requests' in other products that are accepted as ideas, which are then promoted to initiatives in the product to have the ability to automatically connect back with a 'dependency of' relationship to the Portfolio Initiative

What is the challenge? Use Case/Scenario: We have a business problem where Aha Products are receiving both Ideas and Work requests and need to prioritize the potential resulting work effort. Business Problem we are trying to solve: When a Aha Prod...
Mike Jacobson 3 months ago in Dependencies 0 Future consideration

Create Report of Reports to see which reports are shared externally

What is the challenge? I want to build a report of all our reports in order to archive old & out-of-date reports. I especially want to build a report to see all reports that are shared externally as webpages so that I can ensure they're being ...
Eliza Crawford 3 months ago in Reports 0 Already exists

Adjust the thickness of a bar on the gantt chart based on its capacity

It would be useful to adjust the thickness of the bars on the chart depending on the amount of resources we are allocating to that project. For example, the horizontal length of a bar on the chart is determined by the duration/time of the project,...
Guest 3 months ago in Roadmaps 0 Future consideration

PI Planning event execution

Who would benefit? It would save a lot of time and reduce the manual effort of PI Planning preparation and event Execution. It will show that Aha is a tool for Portfolio management and also Planning. With extensive current effort of Aha to align t...
Milosz Konarczyk about 1 year ago in Whiteboards 0 Future consideration

Aha! Develop - support paid seat groups

Paid seat groups are useful for managing the assignment of seats to Roadmaps users. It would be great if this could be extended to support the assignment of Develop seats as well.
Dale Potter almost 2 years ago in Account settings / Development 0 Future consideration

Remove "Show/Hide Parking Lots" setting from Releases > Gantt view

The Releases Settings dropdown on Releases > Gantt includes two options: Show/Hide Shipped releases Show/Hide Parking lots Showing/Hiding shipped releases makes sense since a shipped release is date-bound, so a Gantt view can display it. But...
Erik Johnson over 5 years ago in Releases 7 Future consideration