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Categories Dependencies
Created by Mike Jacobson
Created on Oct 22, 2024

Allow Portfolio Initiatives that use 'Work Requests' in other products that are accepted as ideas, which are then promoted to initiatives in the product to have the ability to automatically connect back with a 'dependency of' relationship to the Portfolio Initiative

What is the challenge?

Use Case/Scenario: We have a business problem where Aha Products are receiving both Ideas and Work requests and need to prioritize the potential resulting work effort.

Business Problem we are trying to solve: When a Aha Product receives both Ideas and work request from other Aha Product then they have no way to prioritize both ideas and work requests in a single list view in order to determine prioritization regardless of the source?

What is the impact?

Manual Path to connect the resulting work back to the planning initiative: Today the manual steps that would need to take place include; A) Portfolio initiative with work request to B) Product Workspace which accepts as an Idea and then C) promotes idea to feature and then D) manually creates a ‘dependency of’ link back to the Portfolio Initiative.

Describe your idea

Potential Solution: Could we have the Product accept work requests as ideas, thus have a single list of ideas to prioritize? But then have a way to connect the ideas from the work requests pass the ‘dependency of’ relationship to the resulting feature?

  • When and product receives an work request from an initiative, could they accept the work request as an idea and then once that idea is promoted to a feature, could the Aha tool be configured to know that the promoted feature was a result of an idea that was promoted from an idea that was accepted from a work request and then add a ‘dependency of’ relationship back to the original initiative.

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