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Allow filtering of unprioritized Ideas by Idea Categories

As a product manager overseeing a portfolio of products within a single Aha! workspace using idea categories to channel ideas, I need to filter unprioritized ideas by idea categories so that I can easily create prioritization reports at the product in addition to aggregate level.

As an organization with a large portfolio of products, we have consolidated our idea intake queues into one workspace per broader product line. We then use idea categories to split ideas into the relevant sub product lines and products.

Whilst we do prioritize at the overall level in some cases, a lot of prioritization happens at further down at the individual product lines or products. As a result, I foresee each product manager having their own prioritization report for their area, filtered by idea categories (how we break things down). Being able to access the idea categories filter would therefore be tremendously helpful (if not crucial, given the amount of ideas we have floating about overall).

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    • Joe Buehlmeyer
      Oct 3, 2022

      Looks like this has been made available already now! Thanks!