My team and I have started to use Teresa Torres' Opportunity Solution Trees to map out our product outcomes, opportunities, and solutions. We've found that the information is the same information we have in Aha (outcomes = goals; opportunities = i...
over 4 years ago
in Whiteboards
Future consideration
Aha! contains some incredible reporting capabilities that allow anyone to quickly create and share reports associated with the development activities. This is incredibly convenient and helpful to share information in a transparent way and empower ...
Mark Slykhouse
almost 2 years ago
in Reports
Future consideration
Choose unit to display effort values (such as estimates) in the pivot table
If a feature or requirement has an estimate of 5 days, then the corresponding estimate will count as 40 hours in the pivot table (for example when the requirement's estimated effort is summed as the cell value). This can result in figures that are...
almost 9 years ago
in Capacity planning
Future consideration
Allow "My Work" sidebar to be collapsed and expanded
"My Work" is a great place to store my personal notes and whiteboards. This area would be even more effective for me if I could choose to collapse the lefthand sidebar. The benefits are two-fold: one, I'd like more real estate on my screen to work...
Reilly O'Connor
about 1 year ago
in My work
Future consideration
It would be really nice if I could generally "undo" a change made to a release plan or an accidentally deleted feature etc. rather than having to redo work if I just unintentionally hit the delete button. The auto-save function is nice but no abil...
Eva Humphrey
about 10 years ago
in Application
Unlikely to implement
What is the challenge? can't see all comments What is the impact? i have click open every replies thread Describe your idea add expand-all button to open up all comments simultaneously
Allow to change the default email templates for feedback portals
What is the challenge? I have many feedback portal, and would like to maintain a consistent customer communication via emails What is the impact? I as a sole admin, need to manage many feedback portals, and keep copy paste the email templates from...
Alon Sabban
2 months ago
in Ideas portal
Future consideration
Update idea rank should remove value for records removed from ranked list
What is the challenge? When you click "update idea rank" in a prioritization view, it doesn't remove the rank value from any records that have been removed from the list. What is the impact? Over time, this causes records (ideas/features) reports ...
Ability to create automation rules across multiple workspaces
It would be great to be able to make an automation rule based on a date field being updated in a separate workspace. This would enable our teams to communicate more efficiently when work items are linked, without needing to update the same field i...
over 3 years ago
in Roadmaps
Future consideration