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Ability to edit Idea Portal comments in a portal

Idea portal comments cannot be edited by their author. This functionality would be useful to prevent having to add an additional comment to make corrections/amendments.
Guest almost 8 years ago in Ideas portal 10 Future consideration

Opportunity solution tree whiteboard template

My team and I have started to use Teresa Torres' Opportunity Solution Trees to map out our product outcomes, opportunities, and solutions. We've found that the information is the same information we have in Aha (outcomes = goals; opportunities = i...
Guest over 4 years ago in Whiteboards 4 Future consideration

Create folder button in Roadmaps Overview section

What is the challenge? My coworker and I struggled to find the right button to create a new folder on the Roadmaps -> Overview page. The design doesn't seem super intuitive; instead of having a "Create folder" button up top (or similar) users h...
Marlee Ellison 4 months ago in Reports 0 Future consideration

Add ability to set system wide automation rules

What is the challenge? I need to implement automation rules for the entire org for Ideas. What is the impact? I have 50 workspaces that need the same automation rule for Ideas. I cannot use the workspace template because we only require a unified ...
Leanne Miller 8 months ago in Account settings 0 Future consideration

As an Admin, I would like the ability to easily see and filter which custom fields are being used by which products and product lines

As a very large account user, we have A LOT of custom fields and we are finding it very hard to manage. Our biggest pain point is that some of our Admins will update a custom field, that they believe is only being used by them in their product, an...
Deirdre Clarke over 7 years ago in Account settings 6 Unlikely to implement

Use donut chart to show progress of goals, initiatives, features

Utilize the donut chart to show progress of goals, initiatives, features on the dashboard. i.e. if a goal is 19% complete, we can calculate that there is 81% remaining (using list). Then we should be able to take these two values and create a donu...
Guest over 1 year ago in Reports 0 Future consideration

User Story Map - add as an option in reporting

as a user, I want to be able to include the story map (Name, Description and Step, step sequence) to any report and report type, so that I can group my reporting by the story map information.
Steve Podzamsky over 5 years ago in User story map 5 Future consideration

today() in custom worksheet fields

make this value available in custom worksheets.
Paul Dickie almost 5 years ago in Application 7 Future consideration

Ability to create automation rules across multiple workspaces

It would be great to be able to make an automation rule based on a date field being updated in a separate workspace. This would enable our teams to communicate more efficiently when work items are linked, without needing to update the same field i...
Guest over 3 years ago in Roadmaps 1 Future consideration

Combine or connect "Created by Aha! user" and "Created by contact" filters

In an ideas report, there is a column called "Idea created by". Two filters currently point to this same field -- "Created by Aha! user" and "Created by contact". When you click on the "..." option on the "Idea created by" field and select "Filter...
Emily Yankush over 1 year ago in Reports 3 Future consideration