When I create a Roadmap or a report, I am effectively the owner. I can change any aspect of that report. However, at times I may be building it for someone else to use and manage, and I want the ability to change the ownership of that report at a ...
Andrew Brooks
about 5 years ago
in Reports
Future consideration
What is the challenge? I track many todos in My work but I am unable to work through them in priority order. I am only able to sort by due date, workspace, or record. I would like to be able to see my most important todos first, regardless of due ...
Bonnie Trei
21 days ago
in My work
Future consideration
Tables in Notes - unpredictable selection and editing behaviour
What is the challenge? When selecting cells within a table to edit its content, clicking on the cell moves the scroll bar up instead of selecting the content of the cell. Also, I cannot always see where the cursor is. It seems to disappear which i...
What is the challenge? I want to include a callout box in a numbered list, but I can't. It's either making the whole list a callout box or when copying a callout box it's just taking the sentence, but not the box What is the impact? I cannot use c...
Michele Voth
22 days ago
in Knowledge bases
Future consideration
What is the challenge? sometimes I have big callout boxes with a bulleted list, but it's not possible to include a bulleted list in there, just in front What is the impact? it would look more organized Describe your idea have the option of a bulle...
Michele Voth
22 days ago
in Knowledge bases
Future consideration
Add aggregated series support to pivots and charts
What is the challenge? We've recently added 'time in status' functionality to our reporting system. It would be useful to be able to visualize something like: "average amount of time features have spent in a given status by workspace." it could ma...
Chris Zempel
3 months ago
in Reports
Future consideration
When working with Aha! customers, one part that slows down users as they set up their account is figuring out how to navigate through to the page they need. Let's say I am helping a customer add a custom layout and statuses to their ideas and idea...
Max Robbins
8 months ago
in Account settings
Future consideration
I need the ability to configure My work for my use case. The page is often cluttered with elements that we may never use. Here are a few of the challenges we've run into: Customize My work by persona Customize for novice users. Imagine a cleaner i...
Nathaniel Collum
almost 2 years ago
in My work
Future consideration
Allow setting a "Default view" for the Initiatives prioritization list
What is the challenge? It is currently not possible to set a default view for the Initiatives prioritization page, unlike the corresponding features and ideas pages. What is the impact? It is harder for users to collaborate on initiative prioritiz...
Maria Plotkina
6 months ago
in Strategy
Future consideration