What is the challenge? Document metadata that needs to be part of the document content must be manually entered and updated. For example, a document's last modified date or a document's custom field reflecting a feature's lifecycle state (e.g., be...
6 months ago
in Knowledge base
Future consideration
Ability to switch between fiscal & calendar year in roadmaps
We operate on a fiscal year internally so roadmaps and reports that are used for internal audiences are great with the default configuration to setup fiscal year timelines. However, the problem comes in when we want to share external facing roadma...
Deirdre Clarke
over 1 year ago
in Roadmaps
Future consideration
If you create several Custom Roadmaps but all should have the same Style like in the colors of your company, it would be helpfull to have the option to save the configuration and create a own "theme" which you can select on every new roadmap.
over 1 year ago
in Roadmaps
Future consideration
Product filter should restrict available custom fields in reports
This applies to all custom fields, including scoring metrics. When creating a report using features, the list of custom fields and scoring metrics spans all products even if my report is filtered for one specific product. This makes it very confus...
Danny Archer
about 9 years ago
in Reports
Unlikely to implement
The new Gantt chart is much larger vertically than the old one. Is there a way for me to reduce the height of each row? I can no longer see all of my release on a single screen
almost 5 years ago
in Application
Future consideration
Return votes to users when an idea is marked as "already exists" or "will not implement"
Currently if you mark an idea as shipped it returns votes automatically to idea portal users because this is now in the system. I feel if a user puts an idea in and it is something that already exists and they just didn't realize it, when I mark i...
over 6 years ago
in Ideas
Future consideration
Have workflow status change dates refelect the most recent date a status was set
The value of “Status changed to <status X>” for a feature workflow appears to perpetually contain the date of the first time that the status was changes to <status X> rather than the date of the most recent transition to <status X&g...
David Kettinger
over 8 years ago
in Features
Future consideration
Ability to publish whiteboards into Aha! Roadmaps with dependencies
Use case: PMs use an Aha! whiteboard to build out an initial story map or backlog. They want to "publish" this into their product plan in Aha! Roadmaps and continue the planning process. It would be great to be able to take an Aha! whiteboard and ...
Mark Eaves
about 2 years ago
in Whiteboards
Likely to implement
Ability to do subtotals in Pivot tables (in addition to Grand Total as it is today)
For ex: if we have a dollar value (numeric custom field) associated with each release, let's say it's the release cost - I would like to be able to add up all release costs per each product (sub-totals) in the same product line, in addition to the...
about 7 years ago
in Reports
Future consideration