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Status Future consideration
Categories Ideas
Created by Guest
Created on Jun 13, 2018

Return votes to users when an idea is marked as "already exists" or "will not implement"

Currently if you mark an idea as shipped it returns votes automatically to idea portal users because this is now in the system.  I feel if a user puts an idea in and it is something that already exists and they just didn't realize it, when I mark it as already exists they should get their votes back as well because it is the same end result as shipped.

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    • Richard King
      Dec 16, 2024

      The issue of votes not being returned for items that will not ship. With not over 200 users that can vote, asking them to do it manually.

    • Michael Scholze
      Sep 6, 2024

      Also agree with this. Actually I see this not as an Idea but as actually overlooked the original voting process implementation.

      Our users have to manually keep track of their rejected or already implemented ideas and retract their votes to get them back, and actually told me they do because the votes hold value to them.

    • Alyssa Menke
      Jan 30, 2023

      This is a major point of frustration when we want to not penalize customers for voting on something that has made it to development, but without this being configurable we loose the ability to automate the status updates and this becomes very manual.

    • Guest
      May 1, 2020

      I agree. It would also be helpful to be able to manually set which statuses cause votes to be returned so product managers can control that for their portal.

    • Moises Cora
      Apr 30, 2019

      @Mark, yes, that is what happens. Only Shipped ideas get the votes returned to users. I agree that "Already Exists", "Will not implement" and "Planned" should do the same. 

      Even better, if we can configure on the portal what statuses return votes.

    • Guest
      Mar 14, 2019

      Do I understand correctly this ONLY Happens when marked to SHIPPED.  Even with planned the votes are not returned.

    • Moises Cora
      Sep 10, 2018

      Agree with the comment to do the same on "Will not implement".


      I'd like to see it configurable. A multi-select of idea statuses that let the product owner decide when votes are refunded. In my case, I can make it work with Shipped, Will not implement and already exists, but would like to refund also when an idea is planned.

    • Guest
      Jul 20, 2018

      I believe the same should apply to "Will Not Implement"

    • +1
    1 MERGED

    Votes Per User feature should return votes to users when:

    Today, the only thing that returns a vote to a user is the status of "Shipped". Statuses of "Already Exists" and "Will Not Do" should return votes to the user. Additionally, portal visibility should be considered as well. If a user cannot get to a...
    David Jensen over 2 years ago in Voting 0 Future consideration