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Have workflow status change dates refelect the most recent date a status was set

The value of “Status changed to <status X>” for a feature workflow appears to perpetually contain the date of the first time that the status was changes to <status X> rather than the date of the most recent transition to <status X>. If the status subsequently changes to say <status Y> and then on a future date changes back to <status X>, the value of “Status changed to <status X>” remains the original date the status was set to <status X>. This prevents queries from accurately filtering on recent workflow status changes which is very common for tracking workflow progress.

Sometimes features in a product backlog are revisited for market applicability and are updated.  This may necessitate jumping back in a workflow and bringing the feature through a review process again. Without being able to query on the latest date of a status transition, it's very difficult to know which features fall into this category.  Also, if a feature status is set incorrectly forward by accident, even if immediately corrected, the date of that erroneous status transition remains and provides ongoing erroneous search results. e.g. If a status is accidentally set to approved today and then immediate corrected, when the status is accurately set to approved in the future (e.g. a week later), a report will indicate that the feature was approved a week sooner than it was.

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    • Nicola Rolando
      Jun 5, 2024

      I agree this could lead to very wrong perception. The only way to overcome this is currently with Automation in a custom field, but in my opinion this should be the standard behaviour, not something requiring a workaround.

    • Ronit Binshtok
      Jul 22, 2022

      Looking to see the 'age' of each status in the workflow. How many days we stay on each status. Today we only see the date we first got to that status. We have no way to track it, unless we'll get also the latest date we've been on that status.

    • Admin
      Austin Merritt
      Apr 3, 2019

      Hi there. We are working to update the statuses of older ideas to more accurately reflect our current priorities. We want to make sure we are setting clear expectations. At this point, this idea is not currently planned on our roadmap but we will continue to monitor customer feedback as we consider making changes here in the future.

    • Guest
      Apr 2, 2019

      What is the reason this was moved to Future Consideration?

    • Guest
      Mar 29, 2019

      We are trying to produce metrics for SLAs and some statuses are considered 'unclean'.  We are actually not looking for the earliest or latest date for a status but maintain the entry/exit date for each status change (i.e., full status history).

    • Guest
      Mar 15, 2019

      It would be great for the field to show multiple values if it entered a status multiple times.

    • +1