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Created by Fabian Henzler
Created on Feb 25, 2015

SAML2 Authentication for the IDEA Portal

This is mission critical for us, because we cumulate all customer data on our Matrix42 Accounts (ACS Access Control System). So all of our customers have an account and must have an account to submit an idea. We even would like to make the IDEAS itself and the IDEA Portal only visible to people that are auth by our Matrix42 Accounts ACS. if they have an account there and the flag "validated" then they can access, see and use ideas in the idea portal.


There is a general habit in Enterprise applications in Europe that the vendors sales forces look into the opponent vendor's idea portals and use the ideas of the other vendor to tell their prospects "look at this vendor, they just have feature A as an idea - we already implemented it"

we want to be transparent to our customers and would like to evolve our products to their needs. We also would like to let the community (all employees, customers, consultants and partners) drive our product together, but we don't want other vendors to use these great ideas against us

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  • Dirk Eisenberg
    Mar 23, 2015

    I don't want to do Ads here but we just implemented in our identity & access management solution support for (portal & backend). Everybody can use it now via our workspace aggregator 

    This makes it possible to integrate SAML2 identity providers with the special JWT token based protocol of We are using it for our Matrix42 customers every day and it works :-).

  • Admin
    Chris Waters
    Mar 22, 2015

    Note that you can now have a single portal with multiple products. Read more about this new feature here.

  • Guest
    Mar 22, 2015

    I agree. Using JWT is a hassle because you need to implement it for every ideas portal that a company has (in our case we would have more than 5 since we have that many products).

  • Guest
    Mar 5, 2015

    This would be big for us too - rather than JWT

  • Dirk Eisenberg
    Feb 26, 2015

    Just use the SAML2 integration you have in your backend :-)

  • Shawn Smith
    Feb 25, 2015

    I was excited to see yesterday that Google OAuth / SSO rolled out for Aha, but I really need this for the ideas portal.


SAML for Ideas portal (instead of JWT)

Can we have SAML as an option for the ideas portal rather than JWT?
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