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Enable marking "to-do" as complete at Initiative level when assignee is *not* the user marking as complete

As an admin and Product manager, I need to be able to manage to-do's across multiple assignees and users.  Currently I am unable to mark a "to-do" as "complete" by checking the check box at the initiative level.  I just discovered that if I click into the To Do, scroll down to the assignee section, there's a tiny check box there too and it will let me check as "complete" from there.  I would love it if I didn't have to click through 3 things to mark a to-do as complete.  

    Oct 10, 2024

    Thank you for the idea. This is possible today by expanding the to-do. This is done intentionally since checking the box on a collapsed to-do does not clearly tie the action to any particular assignee (except for yourself.) We hope this helps!

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