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Need the ability to pull Logs within our Aha instance via API

We would like the ability to pull audit logs via API within our Aha instance. Currently this is a manual process where someone needs to extract the information via excel or contact Aha support. We want to extract audit on every transaction done in our Aha instance via automation (hence via API). Since this is  data we're putting in our environment, we would like an automated way to extract this data as well. Some examples of useful log data are: who disabled a specific user, when a specific product/idea/etc was deleted, etc. We will be using this feature extensively within our instance. Not only will it improve our transaction history but it will also reduce time and cost for Aha support 

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    • Guest
      Sep 11, 2024

      I would combine this one with

      It would be nice to Aha team to send us a consolidated log reports on a periodic basis until we have this ask implemented.

    • George Smyth
      Nov 3, 2023

      My need and vote is to be able to report against the History of Features etc By extracting this info via the REST API. Being able to do within the normal reporting UI would be even better.

    • Jor Bratko
      Oct 12, 2021

      It would also be useful if you make a mistake on a bulk edit and need to find the items you need to fix.

    • Guest
      Nov 20, 2019

      This option will be definite helpful for accountability and track changes

    • Clark Sessions
      Oct 4, 2018

      This should be combined with 

    • Matt Seitz
      Sep 27, 2018

      Should these votes be combined with this Idea:

    • Guest
      Jul 24, 2018

      We have two use cases for this functionality:  

      1. To be able to see how long work items (features, master features, releases, initaitives) have been in a given workflow status - over time we want to build a database of how long things typically take and be able to proactively identify potential issues.

      2. We need to be able to do more easily complete release and initiative replans - we have a lot of cross product dependendies and nee to see how many times a date or scope changes, what the old date or scope was, and flag when dates change to ensure all dependent teams on board with new dates

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