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Status Future consideration
Categories Features
Created by Daniel Pokrývka
Created on Feb 28, 2018
Merged idea
This idea has been merged into another idea. To comment or vote on this idea, please visit APP-I-4883 Prefix/Suffix support of custom score card.

Allow pre-fix / post-fix in scorecard definition Merged

Hi, I would find very useful if a scorecard could have a postfix or prefix configurable as well. Some of my scorecards are purely about "EUR" and when I visualize the score on epic cards, it would be really much more clear to the viewer if he new the number represents xxx in EUR than just xxx. I think such a feature is no brainer to develop, just hope there is enough capacity left for it :-).

    Feb 28, 2018

    Thank you for your idea. This is currently possible. From Settings -> Account -> Configure scorecards, you can set a prefix/suffix for each metric in a scorecard.

  • Daniel Pokrývka
    Feb 28, 2018

    So please keep my idea alive :-)

  • Daniel Pokrývka
    Feb 28, 2018

    Hi .. that is not what I was talking about. It is nice that you can set pre-fix/post-fix to a metric - but you CANT set the same for the SCORE itself therefore SCORE has no prefix/postfix