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Product Setting Revisions

Within the organisation I work for, only administrators get product owner privileges. This is to save the product owners from themselves when it comes to integrations, workflow settings, navigation and terminology.

However, doing this restricts the product managers (contribution rights) from being able to configure the release phase templates, broadcasts, tags and idea configuration.

The request is to enable administrators to be able to configure which product settings a contributor is able to see to help determine what they can self serve with. Either that or consider a new permission set which enables those that can receive a customised product configuration set, against those that cannot. For example, perhaps contributor continues to not have access, product owner has the ability to configure what they have been allowed to configure, and a new role of 'product manager' or 'product administrator' carries out the same level of functionality as your current product owner role.

Also, as part of this, it will be good to allow products to configure the formatting themes for roadmaps. For example, I create a custom roadmap. You have a choice of a default theme, and then two other themes before choosing a custom theme. There is no way to create a theme as a template and have that as one of the options available in the drop down. For example, creating a company branded template which people can pick to format their roadmap quickly into brand guidelines. If this was available as one of those product settings where people can add their own templates, and at the account level where we can add site wide themes, that would be extremely helpful.

    Nov 25, 2024

    Thank you for the idea. Given the low volume of support for this idea, we do not have plans to make updates in this area at this time.

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