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This idea has been merged into another idea. To comment or vote on this idea, please visit A-I-9965 Require fields by status.

Conditional work flow

Its really badly needed to be able to build conditional workflow using custom fields and application fields.

    Feb 5, 2016

    There is a variety of automation controls throughout the application. However, at this time, we do not have plans for conditional workflows between custom fields and application fields, based on current priorities and community feedback. We hope you can understand.

  • Guest
    Jun 4, 2020

    An example of why this would be helpful for us:

    We have a custom field that indicates if our story was Planned (during sprint planning), Pushed (hotfix during a sprint), Pulled (had capacity to pull in another story), or Carryover (not finished during a sprint and needs moved to next sprint). When someone chooses Carryover we want them to have another field that is required have them choose the Original Sprint so we can track how many sprints a story gets carried over and is no longer on track.

  • Jiyaad Naeem
    Feb 19, 2020

    Azure Devops allows us to mark certain fields as required before they can enter a status - this would be great if we can have the same functionality inside Aha.

  • Marina Reyna
    Jul 11, 2018

    Will the ever change?

  • Guest
    Aug 2, 2016

    For us, I can see enormous value in this. Because of the way that we have to manage our catalogue, we have "new ideas", "improvements" etc which need to go to different departments and may consist of different statuses. Ideally, we would want to be able to create a report which reflects this.

  • Guest
    Jan 21, 2016

    I'm not the person that left this comment... but... I could see workflows around status quite a bit.  If the status of a feature is changed from X to Y then set a custom field to a specific value.  Or if the age of feature/idea is greater than a certain age then change the status to on hold or needs attention.


    I have a custom field coming from JIRA that tells me when dates are updated (don't get me started my DEVs are a pain and can't use out of the box JIRA fields grr), so one of the things I'd like to do is when that field changes values populate that value into the real due date field.


    I can see a lot fo use for conditional workflows between fields.

  • Admin
    Chris Waters
    Nov 6, 2014

    Can you expand on what you would like to see here? An example would be helpful to understand how you would ideally like it to work.


a level of logic that says if this field is x then make field y available to capture further information

for example if the status of an initiative is "at risk", make it possible to capture information in a RAID field.
Guest over 6 years ago in Strategy 0 Future consideration

Automatically update a custom field value based on a a workflow status

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Marina Reyna about 7 years ago in Account settings 0 Future consideration

Define custom field visibility based on idea status

Within Aha! (not the portal), we define and refine ideas in various stages, and we use custom fields to do this. Newly submitted ideas might only require the completion of a few custom fields. As ideas are selected and progress through the vetting...
Guest about 7 years ago in Account settings 0 Future consideration