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Custom Fields at Requirement Level

Is it possible to create custom fields at the requirement level? For example, we want to set prioritization at the requirement level that will push into JIRA. We would want to create a custom field for this.

Release time frame 1 month
    Dec 14, 2016

    We just launched the ability to add custom fields on requirements. You can now add any custom field type on requirements to help better organize and communicate requirement details to your team. Check out our blog post for details.

    We know that many of you are also interested in the ability to sync custom fields to third party dev systems including Jira, TFS and Rally. This feature enhancement is currently planned and coming soon. Please subscribe to it here to track the latest updates.

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    • Guest
      Feb 8, 2017

      You made us really happy.

    • Ron Yang
      Dec 14, 2016

      Kaitlyn - we just updated the link to the associated idea in the admin response. You can also access it here: 

    • Kaitlyn Moore
      Dec 14, 2016

      I cannot follow the link in this email, it’s telling me that I don’t have access. Was this the internal link to the idea?

    • Shri Iyer
      Dec 11, 2016

      This idea is open from 2014 and it has been 2 years. Can Aha please add a custom field at the requirement level? Our requirements from aha map to user stories in JIRA and currently we have no way of syncing up between the requirement and the jira story

    • Guest
      Dec 6, 2016

      Yes, we need this!!! This would allow us to create the specific estimates per device / platform and have it roll up correctly into the requirements and allow us to filter quicker by requirement.  

    • Brian Rogers
      Dec 6, 2016

      This would be a great help for our custom GitLab integration. We would like to link issues in GitLab to Requirements in Aha and would need to represent each issue's Status on the Requirement. Thanks!

    • Guest
      Dec 2, 2016

      Sorely needed

    • Guest
      Dec 1, 2016

      Any Luck on getting this executed?

    • Kaitlyn Moore
      Nov 29, 2016

      Not only do we ABSOLUTELY need this, but we also need to make sure we can map it to our integrations to push when we push to development -- in our case to VSO.

    • David Vins
      Oct 13, 2016

      The second most popular idea, two years old, and still only marked as Likely To Implement?

    • Guest
      Oct 11, 2016

      This is a big for us because we don't use sub-tasks in JIRA do to how messy they are to manage on the JIRA Agile Scrum board.  The developers use the Checkbox plug-in to manage their development tasks which is a lot easier than forcing a developer to try and create sub-tasks.  Therefore, our acceptance criteria for the story won't get mapped over into the Aha Requirement.  I'm talking importing from JIRA but still need a field in the Requirements for the acceptance criteria to push to JIRA.  Maybe you could add Acceptance Criteria as a Aha defined core field in Requirements and that would get me by...but, still would be nice to add custom fields in Requirements for other JIRA mappings to stories as well.

    • Guest
      Oct 10, 2016

      We want this idea too.  We need to add custom field for Acceptance Criteria and Component 

    • Shri Iyer
      Sep 28, 2016

      Apart from adding a custom filed at the requirement level, it would be cool to tag a requirement. We have the need to tag a requirement under a feature.

    • Guest
      Sep 9, 2016

      I really, REALLY REALLY NEED THIS, I want to put data at this level to integrate this with other systems we are using in house. THERE ARE LOTS OF VOTE ... CAN WE HAVE THIS ASAP? 

    • Guest
      Aug 26, 2016

      Definitely need this. This is one of the first things we noticed not supported when we looked at moving requirement data from another tool into Aha. We would like to define a "business justification" field (as well as other fields) at the requirement level but will do so at the feature level for now.

    • Guest
      Jul 20, 2016

      Chalk up another vote here; really would like to see this and JIRA story labels synced up to Aha!

    • Guest
      Jun 29, 2016

      It seems that "Feature" isn't a very good way to assemble several requirements in one category. I frequently have to address the priority of each "requirement" and this cannot be done by prioritizing a "Feature". As an example, a "feature" would be "Physical attributes" and "Requirements" could be "Footprint", "weight", etc. Each of these requirements could/ should be tradeable depending on engineering and market constraints. 

      Aha! team should really make sure that the basic product management needs are addressed first: MRD and Requirements definition. Aha! is a very helpful software, but not necessarily great at solving some of the critical and basic user challenges.

    • Patsy Jones
      Jun 2, 2016

      This would be fantastic, we would love to be able to add a custom field at requirements level, this would mean that I would be able to add acceptance criteria to my requires and map this filed to the acceptance criteria filed in visual studios

    • Guest
      May 2, 2016

      +1 - I would like to see ability to add story points & acceptance criteria at the story level. We'd like to do this in Aha prior to syncing with Jira. 

    • Aldon C
      Apr 26, 2016

      Hi, we have mapped a custom Aha Epic (Feature) field to Acceptance Criteria in Jira Epics but can't do the same for Stories (Requirements) which I would argue is way more important.

      Also, this is the second most voted unimplemented idea. I know that's not the only criteria for prioritizing feature requests but customers have been asking for a while...

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