Provide the ability to highlight a roadmap block differently than other roadmap blocks.
Example, Our customers like having the able to adopt functional when they like to turn the functionality on. In some cases, the new functionality needs to adopted at release time. We want to highlight the on the roadmap, so customers understand what is Mandatory versus Optional adoption.
We denote that at the feature and release level with a custom field. I like to use that custom field state to tell the Roadmap to highlight this roadmap item differently. Be nice if we could have controls around the highlighting.
This is important to us since Roadmaps are communication artifact. Right now, Roadmap in Aha! are pretty simple. This would go along way for Executives to adopt aha!
Thank you for your idea. This is currently possible using the "Color by" option in custom roadmaps and pivot tables. First, add your custom field to the report, then click the green gear icon in the top right corner of your roadmap. Here you will find the color by option, where you can select your custom field and set specific colors for each value.
Yes that is possible, but in one diimension. I was not clear that Roadmap items have different states versus the Strategic catergory their are assign. This means having the ability to assign Strategic themes one set of colors and Roadmap items a different set of colors/shading/highlighting. That is not available today.