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Created by Guest
Created on Sep 5, 2017

Filter by Ideas Portal Name

I have a single product but multiple ideas portals. I use these portals for internal product suggestions and externally by different clients or stages of the client, e.g. a POC or beta test might get a new portal created for just a short term use. I also have a portal dedicated to capturing bugs from end users. All of this stuff gets mixed together on the Ideas List and filtering by email domain is insufficient. (Bugs btw will never be promoted to features or epics in Aha but instead will be captured in JIRA, if reproducible by the team.) Anyhow, it seems pretty obvious to want to be able to filter/categorize and create different views within Aha that correspond to the different ideas portals outside of Aha. I contacted Support and they said it was not possible at this time.

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  • Laura Giles
    Mar 5, 2019

    There's no reason why a unique identifier field can't be filtered on if it's even permitted to be displayed in the view.

  • Laura Giles
    Mar 5, 2019

    Much like lead generation, 'source' is very important, especially when we are working to consolidation all our feedback channels into one repository. There are different SLAs associated and needs for different portal users, closed betas/ETFs, etc.

  • Christian Stark
    Apr 25, 2018

    I hope you reconsider this decision since your assumptions seems wrong. I basically need to be able to create a list (report) showing ideas coming from a specific portal. It makes no sense that in your UI that field isn't available. 

    We have multiple division leveraging various idea portals and it is essential for us to differentiate between the portals the ideas came from. We expect to manage hundreds of ideas coming in per week.

    Also I don't understand how categories help solve this since you can't auto assign a category based on the portal the idea came from.




Filter by portal an idea was created from

We have various portals that allow Idea submission. We have in particular one for submitting ideas from Salesforce. I need to filter the list of all ideas submitted by that portal. Currently you can't add "Idea submitted portal" to the filter used.
Christian Stark over 6 years ago in Ideas 1 Shipped