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Status Future consideration
Categories Ideas
Created by Lana Ellis
Created on May 7, 2019

Further filtering options on Ideas portal for end users

On the ideas portal, you can only do a global search or filter by category or status.

More advanced filtering would be good to all users to i.e. being able to choose more than one status, more than one category etc

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  • Guest
    Nov 2, 2022

    As an AHA user (my software vendor uses it for feature requests), I would like to add this. They switched from an in-house feature request system to AHA, and did a bulk import. There are perhaps thousands of ideas that need to be culled from the system because they have been implemented into the product by now.

    As one of their customers, it's too difficult to search through the ideas portal to see if my idea has already been submitted for that product. It must be a massive headache for the company to wade through that mess, too.

  • Guest
    Aug 27, 2019

    From a portal management perspective, I don't want to just keep adding categories and sub-categories because the sprawl is endless - it detracts from user experience. I'd rather have different filters/groups of categories for users to drill down into. For example, if we have a category for service line, creating a secondary category for services within that service line would be incredibly helpful.


Filter for ideas without a status in the portal

As an ideas portal manager I want to be able to filter for ideas that have not had a status assigned So that I can easily identify the ideas that need to be triaged
Chris Taylor over 1 year ago in Ideas portal 1 Future consideration

Allow multi select on Filter by Status - Ideas Portal

As a user, I would like the ability to filter by multiple statuses. This will help me search better through available ideas to see what's out there. There would also be a benefit in filtering by categories to narrow down the number of ideas I need...
Alyssa Menke almost 2 years ago in Ideas portal 0 Future consideration

Ideas portal - ability to filter by tag

As an ideas portal user, it would be useful to be able to filter ideas by the associated tag so I can view a list of ideas relating to that tag. Even more useful would be to have an advanced search where I could combine multiple filters, e.g. "Sta...
Bernadette Headd-Williams over 6 years ago in Ideas portal 0 Future consideration