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Competitor Enhancement & Battle Cards

Our company has a portfolio of 30+ products, organized into several product suites, with various packages sold across 5 different markets (and the sub-markets within them). We need a better way to handle competitors:

  • Create Competitors at company level; capture and manage high-level info there (Revenue, # Employees, Growth, HD, Strengths, Weaknesses, etc.).
  • Have the ability to link Competitors to product lines, and capture details about the competitor for that product line (details captured for each product line against a competitor would be an embedded object on the competitor object). 
  • Have the ability to link Product Line Competitors to products, and capture details about the competitor for that product (details captured for each product against a product line competitor would be an embedded object on the product line competitor object).
  • Ability to edit Company Competitor, Product Line Competitor, and Product Competitor are permission driven (e.g., Product Owner may update for Product Competitor, but are view only for Company Competitor, etc.).
  • Embedded objects create a relationship that enables us to product notebooks by competitor at the appropriate level given the deal/opportunity, executive audience, topic, etc.

At each level of competitor data, provide a separate data set (can be another embedded object) that enables PMs to prepare Battle Cards that sales, marketing, executives, etc. can access at anytime (via notebooks). Would be great if battle cards were laid out in a similar format as Strategy>Business Model... but with a rich text editor and the ability to support images, hyperlinks, etc.

The why? This helps PM teams with a complex business model (many products / suites and verticals) effectively manage competitive intel. The battle cards piece enables PM to seamlessly manage intel in a way that empowers cross-functional stakeholders to better execute in their respective arenas with deep product knowledge, and a take down plan for competitors. 

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    • Guest
      Nov 15, 2018

      I would add "Linking notes to a competitor" to this idea. When listening to competitor webinars or demos, I capture my notes in aha. I would like to be able to link the note to the competitor card in aha directly. A even nicer to have would be to tag sections of the note as strengths, differentiators, weaknesses etc.