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Status Unlikely to implement
Categories Releases
Created by Guest
Created on Jan 27, 2016

Default External Date Rounding

I would like to pre-set the external date rounding for either a product or product line.  This would allow for less clicks by a user entering a release and get all releases consistent in their reporting.

    Jan 28, 2016

    We currently provide flexibility in this area because the communicated date might be different based on the audience. Because of the simple workaround (of clicking the selection) vs. the effort required for this request, along with current priorities, we are unlikely to make updates in this area. We hope you can understand.

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  • Kellen Hawley
    Feb 8, 2022

    I'd also like to push on this—we aren't asking to remove flexibility, but setting the default option reduces the cognitive load on our product managers when they are creating releases.

    Our use case is, we'd like to default to quarters when we first create releases. As we get closer to releasing and our timelines become more solid, we increase the granularity (e.g. setting it to 'months').

  • Scott Coleman
    Jun 1, 2016

    I understand your response but have a want for this as well.  My bigger issue is we report our external dates by month and when we set up a release it is easy to set these to be the same.  It would be nice to link them so when a release date slips say to the next month or quarter the external month\quarter etc gets updated automatically.

  • Guest
    Jan 27, 2016

    And by less clients, I meant less clicks.  Sorry


Add default granularity to external release dates

Right now it is possible to set an external release date for a release, which is great! The unfortunate part, is that if I want to use this feature I have to update every release manually. If I want a release date to be external available per quar...
Guest almost 6 years ago in Releases 0 Unlikely to implement

Set a default for external date granularity (round to) on releases

I like to set the "round to" external date on a release to "month" instead of "day. However every time I create a new release I have to remember to change the granularity of the external date. I would like to be able to set a default somewhere, so...
Jonathan Berg about 7 years ago in Releases 0 Unlikely to implement

Set external dates default by account or product

I'd like to be able to set defaults for the external dates at the account or product level. For example, we roll-up all releases to quarter to show on a public roadmap. For now, this has to be manually changed for each new release. It would be bet...
Carah Counts about 5 years ago in Releases 0 Unlikely to implement