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Status Future consideration
Categories Releases
Created by Guest
Created on May 6, 2021

Enable internal release dates to have ranges, too

The problem I'm trying to solve with this idea is that the internal release date can only be a date. This is challenging for me and my stakeholders as we have to leverage the external release date as our primary value. The reason being, I am an advocate for ranges based on the confidence of our engineers. So, having an internal release date only being a date, isn't helpful.

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  • Brett Wilmeth
    Aug 4, 2023

    I found a way to accomplish this using a calculation column! I wrote an equation to determine if it should show the exact date, month, or quarter.

    If(datediff(today(),field("projected 1st Rollout"),"day")>=60, "Q" + quarter(field("projected 1st Rollout")) + dateformat(field("projected 1st Rollout"), " %Y"), If(datediff(today(),field("projected 1st Rollout"),"day")>=30 and datediff(today(),field("projected 1st Rollout"),"day")<=59, dateformat(field("projected 1st Rollout"), "%B, %Y"), dateformat(field("projected 1st Rollout"), "%b %-d, %Y")))


Internal Date - Allow Date Round

Please allow to Round the Internal Release Date like you can on the External Release Date. When we start wroking a release that date is just an estimate. When people outside the team see that date tha often take it as the acutal date or they have ...
Brett Wilmeth about 1 year ago in Releases 0 Future consideration