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Status Future consideration
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Created by Guest
Created on Jun 8, 2017

I want the external release date to match the internal release date but still round to a time period such as quarters.

Right now if you set the external release date to be the same as the internal release date then the external date moves with the internal date.  I would like an option that when you are rounding an external date that it can also update the date to match the internal date, but have it round to the setting I have.  It is painful to remember to change the external dates.  I sometimes update the internal date and forget to go change the external date and then our reports to leadership are wrong. 

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  • Guest
    Oct 31, 2019

    I think from reading the idea and all the merged ideas there is one simple addition that should be able to handle a lot of these concerns.  That simple idea would be to be able to specify that the external data is X many days after the internal date.


    In our case I am interested in locking the external release date to either a full month or 45 days after the internal release date, then round to the nearest quarter or possibly month.  By doing this a presentation I've made for our extended team will always have a 45 day cushion in case development or testing runs a bit longer than expected.

  • Jay Altschuler
    Mar 11, 2019

    This is something that should be able to configured per product. 

  • Chris Stocker
    Nov 30, 2017

    I agree on this. i used this example on the ticket I opened:

    Currently if you have the External Release Date set to anything other than the exact date, it does not update if you need to update and change the internal Release Date.

    1. Set Internal Release Date to Sept 21, 2018 
    1a. External Release Date is same as Internal Release Date 
    2. Change External Release Date to Month or Quarter (we will use Month for this example) 
    2a. External Release Date Shows September as its value 
    3. Change Internal Release Date to Dec 15, 2018 
    3a. External Release Data still shows September, when the expectation is that it should update to December.


  • +1

Sync and Round Up External Dates

Our internal and external release dates are always the same and we sync that information directly from JIRA. We also round up the release dates (let's say to the nearest quarter). However, when the internal date changes, the external date does not...
Guest almost 6 years ago in Releases 0 Future consideration

If you use month, quarter, or half as an external date, an internal release date change should either update the external date or warn you.

When using external dates on reports, it sorts based on the precise date hiding behind the external date shown on the record MM/DD/YYYY. The internal date, doesn't change that external date if you display it in months, quarters or halves, and the ...
Guest about 6 years ago in Releases 1 Future consideration