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Merged idea
This idea has been merged into another idea. To comment or vote on this idea, please visit AFPR-I-7594 Approve ideas portal users granting access.

Rather than reject users because the domain is not valid send to an approval process

The self-registration feature in Portals is nice.  But the "safe" domains can create some management overhead and unnecessary calls.  If the domain doesn't exist then rather than say Your email domain doesn't allow you to self register

Have an option to send an email to a defined admin user who can approve the usage.  On approval the user attempting to sign-up will receive an email informing them they have been approved.  It'll cut down on the back and forwards if you have 100 of client domains you need to register. 

  • David Corlette
    May 28, 2019

    Completely agree, it's sad this doesn't already exist. Our use case would be to prevent competitors from easily being able to see everything we plan to do. Seems kind of obvious, really.

  • Johannes Boppre
    May 28, 2018

    We would need the same

  • Dale Micallef
    Oct 12, 2016

    This would be great. We currently have a private Ideas Portal but would love to allow our customers to sign up directly to the portal from the site. However as there are too many domains for us to register, it is currentl a very manual process to sign people up to use the portal.