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Hide the "explanation of every field" text (Admin Option)

As a novice product manager, I can appreciate the "explantion text" in fields like DESCRIPTION for an initiative or a goal. However as a seasoned product manager, I find having to see that slightly greyed out text on every item that doesn't have a description entered yet to be very distracting. It makes the page visually "busy" but offers little value. I have to look twice to see if, in fact, that is actually descriptive info that one of my colleagues typed, or if it is your explanation text (expecially difficult becuase you don't give us any way to increase the disply font sizes in your application - boo!!!). 

I would like the administrative ability to "hide all explanation text" anywhere in the app.



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    • Ron Yang
      Dec 14, 2015

      As you had noted, we've provided (grayed out) helper text throughout the application to help customers get started in different areas. We feel that oftentimes, it is helpful to see an example before getting things kicked off.

      As you may know, the gray ed out helper text disappears once you have typed into the field. At that point, the text color changes to black to distinguish between the helper text and actual content.

      At this point, because of our current priorities, we do not have plans to provide additional controls related to this area.