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larger formatting, character display for file names and captions

When I look at the "Files" screen, (or see files attached anywhere), they are surrounded by a lot of whitespace but the file names and captions are small, truncated, and hard to read, and there is no hover-over to show you the text you aren't seeing. The only way to see all the text is to click open the file viewer.

I would love to be able to see the whole file name and caption, in a larger font, preferably on screen, but at least in a hover-over, without having to open the file.

    Jan 15, 2016

    We can understand the desire for additional information to be shown for files. Regarding the file name/caption in particular, its purposely kept to a minimum in order to allow for a cleaner layout. At this time, we do not have plans to make updates in this area due to current priorities and community feedback. We hope you can understand.

  • Attach files
      Drop here to upload