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Add Release or Parking Lot info to Initiative Features

Currently when you open an Initiative, the “Features” section lists all the features in the initiative along with the feature status, but nothing about “when” it is going to be done. That feature grid should have a column showing “Release” to display the specific release or parking lot so that someone looking at the initiative can see which features have made it into a planned release and which are still just lingering in the backlog.

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    • Sneha Gangadharan
      Aug 9, 2021

      It would be really nice if we can add custom fields on this grid. We would like to see the release different features are scheduled in and their estimated effort while reviewing the parent capability/initiative and epics.

    • Carlos Souza
      Feb 19, 2019

       It would be nice if we can add custom fields on this grid. I have some fields we use to track our features that I would like to see while reviewing the parent initiative.

    4 MERGED

    show the release a feature is in from the intiatives screen

    It would be really useful to be able to see what release a feature was in from the initiatives screen in the strategy area. Currently you can see the features that are linked to the initiative and you can also so a count of features by release but...
    Suzanne Vaughan almost 10 years ago in  0 Future consideration