It would be an improvement to be able to define the fields that appear when creating a request. For example, I have added a custom field to tag the customers that have requested a feature. Currently I have to add a feature, then edit the field in the main screen and then return to adding features.
Release time frame | 1 month |
You can now customize what fields are shown in the modal when creating new records — so you can capture the data that matters most.
See how you can customize the modals for ideas, features, releases, and more in your account.
This is useful, but I am limited on my choice of fields. I want to allow
sales/internal to add new ideas/features and agree I can manage this via
the Idea's portal however I am then limited to the functionality of the
fields. For example I would like to have an Editable choice list in order
for Sales to add the customer who is making the request hence this would
build up over time. I would also like to include the Releases field so that
sales can chose a target release for the feature. Just to complete the
picture, once I have verified the business value of the idea I will promote
this to a feature and carry most of my custom fields forwards. I can
of-course include "Text fields" or "Predefined choice list" but this is not
realistically manageable.
This would be so helpful! My PM team has just started to adopt Aha! and this is one of their largest qualms. There are certain fields that they would like to always appear when they hit create feature. Having to re-open the ticket is a nuisance, and if they lose the link after they hit "create feature," they now have to go back and find it.
Hi there, it is currently possible to customize the ideas form which is perfect for the use case you mentioned (capturing feature requests.) This article provides more details on how to set this up.
Essential part of Product Management is to capture as much information from sales/internals at the point of opening a feature request. I want to be able to prompt the user to think about the value of their request as they are opening it and not just chuck another blind request onto the pile.
This will be really great. Actually without this, it is quite difficult.
Any updates???
Is this done? Can we add a default assignee per feature OR make assignee mandatory (custom per product)
We have implemented a product in our hierarchy that is highly dependent on custom fields (denotes modules of product). It is very cumbersome to not be able to include this custom field in the Create Feature template. We have to create the feature first, then go back in to modify in order to see the custom field we added to the layout.
Please implement the ability to customize the workflow template with the addition of a custom field, or extent custom layouts to be used in the Create Feature dialog.
Would enable PMs to create features with all details in oneshot rather than going back and keep editing them on constant basis.
I support the idea but would like to see it cascade into something like requirements as well. We use requirements in Aha! to push into VSTS as User Stories, so having custom fields like Acceptance Criteria etc. available on creation dialogue would go a long way to cut down on overhead!
This would be HUGELY helpful and create much more efficiency. I wish I could vote twice.
Agree! Ideally, I set tags for every new Feature and Idea. These tags indicate key customers who requested the feature or submitted the idea. We rely on this to set the Aha scores and maintain good communication with key customers on requested Features.
My words! Additionally, I'd like to have the newly created feature in the view focus so that I don't need so soearch it right after I created it.
Yes please. I want a custom field in this box so I don't have to Create > Save > Find in List > Open > update field > Save
I really need this for both create new feature and for create new idea, as I'm having to remember to go back and fill out the correct fields every time that didn't appear on the initial creation screen.
I am having the same issue, the workflow to create a new feature with an assigned master feature is incredibly tedious.
Agreed. Please add the ability to configure the fields while creating a new feature. We have an integration with Jira and our Jira setup has component as a required field. So when creating features in Aha, I always immediately get an integration error. I have to set the component after creating it.
Are there any updates with this request? It seems to have been requested 2 years ago with no implementation yet. Seems awfully long for something so simple.
Yes! It would be very efficient, when adding features, to have the ability to select the goal and initiative on the create feature window rather than have to click into the feature and add it after it's been created. #Efficiency.
Example: If I hide the Strategy -> "Goals" tab, then I should also be able to hide "Goals" in the Features layout.