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Share your product feedback

Merged idea
This idea has been merged into another idea. To comment or vote on this idea, please visit APP-I-6211 Aha! Lite.

Lite Version of Aha!

The Aha! product, while intuitive, is huge!  A pared down version that focuses on strategy, creating products, & gathering customer feedback, would be a good jumping off point for startups or companies that don't require detailed release or feature planning.


  • New customer joins Aha! Lite
  • Questionnaire is presented that helps fill in the company Strategic Vision
  • The new user then inputs their top level Customer Personas
  • The product manager is then prompted to add their Products (1 or 2)
  • Idea portal is created to tie to collect user feedback for created Products

The Aha! Customer Success team largely makes getting the on-boarding process of the full system easy.  This would be for users who have reviewed the full feature list, and prefer a simplified version for their use cases.  My personal example is my startup company with 3 hardware products.  I don't need all the integrations & fields, I require minimal inputs that summarize my key data.  I currently manage this largely with PowerPoint, Word, Excel, & SurveyMonkey.  Having one place to collate data would be ideal. 

Interested if anyone else has a similar use case!