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Prioritization Portal - a portal to gather prioritization scorecard criteria

This is a big ask, but i'm curious how many other customers would be interested in this.

We love using scorecards for prioritization and the different metrics we use for prioritization are informed by more than just the product owner. For example, LOE would come from the developer, business impact/value would come from the business change board members. However, our developers, vendors and business folks do not and will not have a paid seat, so they do not have access to provide these critical inputs.

Another component we are missing is the ability for multiple users to individually score 'their' metrics on a single feature or idea and then use the average. Imagine a change board with 10 managers all representing different regions. Their priorities are sometimes different. Similar to allowing users to cast votes, I would love functionality they allows each user to provide their score on their metrics on each features, which automatically derives a universal average (which would be what the score it today) offered through a portal, where scoring due dates can be set etc.

For now, our work around for each of our 40 products is pulling a reporting of all ideas or features that are ready to score and manually review the list with every group or perspective to gain their inputs. It's time involved process, and often requires a minimum, 3 meetings a month per product (depending on the product). The biggest challenge is getting all change board members (in the moment) agree on one value per metric per feature. Alternatively we could pull a report, export to excel, format it, send out to 'inputers', get their scores, average and input back into aha! which is likely the direction we will be go.

    Apr 18, 2024

    Collaborate with stakeholders on priorities

    We are excited that Aha! now offers several tools to help drive alignment on priorities!

    • You can now run voting sessions in whiteboards. Send your ideas list to a whiteboard, then configure a voting session and invite anyone to participate. Choose how many votes each person gets and how long the session should run. Then view the results to discover the top ideas across the group.

    • We also recommend using polls in your ideas portal (and in-app!) to get prioritization feedback from a larger group. Ask people to rate how important a specific idea is to them. Or have them choose their top idea from a list and use a text field to explain why.

    • You can also add custom fields to the idea form, automate scorecards, gather proxy votes, integrate with Salesforce, and use whiteboard templates.

    Check these options out and let us know what you think! Submit a new idea for anything else you need.

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