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Status Future consideration
Categories Reports
Created by Brendan G
Created on Jun 11, 2020

Pass filter parameters when embedding reports

It's extremely useful to be able to embed reports in my company's intranet site. This makes it easy for anyone to see our product plans and release dates. However, it is a diverse product plan, and most people in the company have interest in just a subset of the planned releases.

Today, to serve the different interested teams, I need to create several copies of the same report, set the filters to the area of interest and save the report that way. It works, but when I need to change a column in the report or some other core change, i need to go to every single report copy and make the exact same change.

Ideally, I could create one core report, and when I embed the link to the report in external sites, I could pass in a filter parameter in the query string. This way I can have different embedding for the different teams, but any changes to the core report are made once and reflected for all the different filtered views.

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  • Jennifer Briden
    Feb 17, 2022

    I came here to suggest this idea. I also would love to be able to use query parameters in the URL for saved reports inside of Aha. For example, create one Pivot table report that everyone can easily set filters through by setting parameters.

    Here's an example URL:"userName"

    In this case, I have the idea assignee field set as a filter in the report as well, with the default set to everyone.