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Saving & sharing filter sets across all reports

What is the challenge?

As a portfolio practice administrator, I want reporting to be consistent across my enterprise. However, my portfolio managers are highly distributed and loosely organized. Aha reporting tools create powerful automation opportunity, but creating multiple detailed reports can take time and involve many points of potential failure. This is magnified with the length of time between creating different reports and the number of people involved.

Murphy's original law: If there are two or more ways to do something and one ends in catastrophe, someone will do it. This attempts to streamline some of the use of filtering around details in records.

What is the impact?

Individual users are more easily able to replicate filters and build reports around particular programs or topics of interest.

Administrators are able to enable more consistency for points of critical alignment or organization.

Information consumers benefit from more consistent viewpoints into aha data.

Describe your idea

Enhance the existing filter functionality to add 'filter sets' saved and shared among users.

A filter set is simply a saved set of filter conditions, applied as able to whatever data or view the user is working with.

Filter sets could be created within the existing filter modal pop up through a 'save as filter set' button (screenshot 1).

Filters could be applied using the Add filter interface, or as a separate button action (Screen 2).

Adding a filter set should apply it as a unified body within the report's filters (cannot be edited).

An option should be available to 'copy to filters' to apply all the filters from the filter set, but then allow editing.

Saved filter sets could be shared with specific users, custom roles, or by workspace access.

Saved filter sets are accessed as viewers or editors. Creators are always editors.

There should be an interface in settings for filter sets with capabilities to view, edit, and manage access to filter sets.

Ideally, it should be possible to view all reports which use a filter set.

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