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Differentiate the import of Salesforce Accounts

We have 000's of Organizations in our Aha instance and recently configured an integration with Salesforce and mapped multiple custom fields.

On 'Integration updates', it would be helpful to know what would be an update to an existing Organization in our Aha account vs. a net new Organization. At present, the 'import new organizations' is not clear on which it is. There is only 'CREATED', whereas some of this is an update to an existing record.

    Jun 23, 2023

    The 'Integration updates' window will only show new organizations that would be created or linked. Note: if there is an existing Aha! organization with the same name, it will be linked to Salesforce instead of creating a new organization.

    Updates to existing linked organizations will not show in this window and will happen automatically.

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    • Admin
      Kelly Sebes
      Jun 28, 2023

      Got it! Thanks for taking the time to explain.

    • Jeff Shaffer
      Jun 26, 2023

      Thanks. But, the reference is not to 'linked organizations'. The reference is to pre-existing orgs in Aha that are not yet linked to the associated account in Salesforce. When a change to a mapped field in Salesforce, it triggers an update to Aha, which then links the org. The idea is about differentiating that situation vs. a net new Organization in Aha from Salesforce.