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Provide option to send proxy votes added within Aha! back to Salesforce

Currently, ideas added or linked in Salesforce will be sent to Aha! using the Salesforce integration. However, proxy votes added directly in Aha! or via an ideas portal are not sent back to corresponding records in Salesforce.

To keep the votes in sync in both tools, it would be helpful to have the option to have proxy votes created in Aha! sent back to the corresponding records in Salesforce.

    Mar 14, 2024

    We are considering adding this view to the Salesforce integration in the future. In the meantime, many product teams have found it helpful to build an Aha! report that shows all the ideas that are tied a customer. This report can include ideas that were captured through Salesforce or that the customer voted on in a portal. You can add an organization filter to the report so that the viewer can choose any customer. And your Salesforce admin can add a link to this report right in Salesforce. Please reach out to if you would like to learn more about building this report.

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    • Guest
      Sep 20, 2023

      When considering this change, please make sure to account for duplicate proxy votes. Today, you can link via Salesforce and then then via the idea portal for 1 account. When you look at the proxy votes, it will show 2 votes for 1 account if they are added each way.