Currently, there is not an easy way to save testing indicators that we like to use to pass / fail our tests that are written in the aha comments. There is an option to create a label, but those cannot be saved and so need to be recreated each ticket. Additionally, copying and pasting created labels is not extremely convenient. Emojis are not professional and do not contain useful values for our process.
It looks like the Aha software is going to require more steps to get the info tracked, so I agree, a shortcut for making Pass/Fail, etc. would be very helpful
The ability to be able to save a Label, almost like a template, would be useful to be able to apply multiple times in a comment. I know the previous software used before switching to Aha, we could use shortcuts for certain icons. Typing a certain symbol such as "(/)" would convert that to a check mark icon when saving the comment, this may be another Idea ticket however.