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Add Epic as a filter for dashboards

During planning phases we have different teams managing their own epics that are a part of an initiative. Currently we can filter a dashboard by Initiative, but we can not drill into the epic level using that same dashboard.

Ideally it would be great if i could also map a specific filter to a tile.

In the dashboard we would like to have there is a top section has tiles that are based on Initiative. These tile are only tied to the Initiative filter.

The bottom half has tiles based on Epic and Stories. So it would be great if i could link those tiles to the Initiative and Epic filters on the top of the dashboard.

If i filter to an Initiative with Epic = "all", the dashboard would provide data related to the whole initiative on the top and bottom half (all stories linked to that initiative)

If i add the filter Epic = "Epic ABC", the dashboard would keep the upper half the same, but the second half would only show items specifically to that epic.

    Dec 3, 2024

    Add custom filters to dashboards

    You can now filter product dashboards by any standard or custom field. Build one dashboard and filter it to view just what you need.

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    • Mike Wachal
      Mar 23, 2024

      It would be great to see dashboard filters go beyond jus the name of a top level work item type (Initiaive, Goal, Epic, ect.) When building a dashboard that agregates information across multiple types of information, it would be great to be able to filter down more granularly, like to the Assigned To or any other specific field, particularly custom fields, that is shared across the reports in the panels.

    1 MERGED

    Filter dashboards by Epic Name

    To make a dashboard for our proofs of concept for stakeholder updates, I am currently having to filter the individual reports and create a new dashboard for each POC. I want to be able to create one dashboard that has a filter option for Epic name...
    Guest about 2 years ago in Reports 0 Shipped