We're using AHA pretty extensively to collaborate on our epics and features. This results in long and comprehensive documents. The problem is that Aha has very bad performance. I have to wait for tens of seconds for an epic to load on a modern macbook in chrome. subsequently I also need to wait until I can edit for several seconds.
I've shortly looked into this, and I've found that the epic's are loaded as singular HTML blobs inserted into the page. This is easily 500kb+ of HTML for a pretty straightforward text file. While this is would not be that bad if it was needed for the main displaying/editing of the epic, it is incredible that for every comment on the page(including resolved comments, and also when comments are hidden), the full functionality of each comment is replicated in html, including uploading files and more, which all has to be evaluated and styled when loading the page.
We work dilligently to resolve old comments. However it's not uncommon to have 100+ comments on a topic. It would be much more efficient is loading and rendering was done lazily.
I'm seriously considering offloading the writing of these documents to another system, at which point having Aha makes much less sense. I have not found any options to optimize the performance of aha for my case in any way.